Creating SDD files

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The SDD file

The SDD header

Field by field summary of header
Field Value Notes Type
1 SDD version Version number of SDD definition String (e.g. SDDv1.0)
2 Software Program name, version and access link if any String (Free text)
3 Author Corresponding author, date, references String (Free text)
4 Simulation details Description of details of simulation settings and parameters String (Free text)
5 Source Description of source properties String (Free text)
6 Source Type Monoenergetic, distribution, phase space, GCR, … Int
7 Incident particles Definition of primary incident irradiation particle(s) in PDG code format Int(s)
8 Mean Particle Energy Mean incident energy for each particle in MeV Float(s)
9 Energy Distribution Fully energy distribution specification String(s) + Floats
10 Particle fraction Fraction of fluence of each particle in field Float(s)
11 Dose or fluence Define dose of fluence in each exposure, or note that the simulation was for a single track Int + Float (+ Float)
12 Dose Rate Dose rate of irradiation field Float
13 Irradiation Target Description of simulated cell of target (DNA) region and microenviroment String (Free text)
14 Volumes Shape parameter plus X,Y,Z extents (µm) 2x (Int + 6 Float)
15 Chromosome sizes Number and base pair size of chromosomes Int + (Int) Floats
16 DNA Density Density of base pairs in volume (MBP/µm^3) Float
17 Cell Cycle Phase Cell cycle phase index and progression Int + Float
18 DNA structure Additional field to define DNA structure 2 Ints
19 In vitro / in vivo Experimental condition Int
20 Proliferation status Proliferative or quiescent and status details Int + String (Free text)
21 Microenviroment Temperature (°C) and molar O_2 concentration 2 Float
22 Damage definition Define how types of damage were determined 1 Float + 1 Int + 1 Bool + 2 Float
23 Time Time point at which damages were recorded Float
24 Damage and primary count Number of distant damage lesions scored & primaries simulated 2 Int
25 Data Entries Number of fields included in the data section 14 Bool
26 Additional Information Field of additional information that may be relevant String (Free text)
27 ***EndOfHeader*** Empty field to mark end of header.  

The SDD data section

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