Introduction to SDD

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A standard way of describing DNA damage!

The Standard for DNA Damage (SDD)

The SDD is an international collaborative effort to standardise the reporting of DNA damage from computational simulations. The file format consists of both a header, detailing the parameters of the simulation, and a data section, detailing the DNA damage (see Figure 1). The format has been designed to encompass the broad range of DNA damage simulations carried out by research groups in the field. The format can be used minimally, with many fields being optional, or, as we would recommend, fully with as many fields filled in as the simulation can account for. Whilst at the point of the SDD paper publication a large proportion of simulation parameters and damage recordings have been accounted for if further requirements of the standard become apparent the format is expandable to accommodate. In order to keep the format intact and to avoid ambiguity, if you would like to submit a change to the format you can do so via the Contribute to the SDD page.

For all manuals that use the SDD, we would appreciate referencing the definition paper: “A New Standard DNA Damage (SDD) Data Format”, J. Schuemann et al., Radiation Research, (in print).

The tables and figures on this website are reproduced (with permission) from the above paper.



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